[thumbnail target=”_self” src=”https://dalecarnegie.id/webpc-passthru.php?src=https://www.dalecarnegie.id/uploads/2016/10/dale-carnengie-global-day-of-giving-600.jpg&nocache=1”]
Time was when the route to business success often went through a Dale Carnegie course, where participants learned how to rub shoulders more effectively and even grease their way up the corporate ladder. But does the founder’s slogan and title of his book, How To Win Friends and Influence People, still resonate today?
CEO Joe Hart is here to tell you it does. Privately held Dale Carnegie Training is celebrating its 104th anniversary next week not only by enjoying its “thriving franchise network” in 90 countries but also by launching a new annual program: The Dale Carnegie Global Day of Giving.
The Global Day “will focus on providing leadership and life skills to youth and the agency staff workers who support young people” through two- to three-hour workshops, the company said in a press release. More than 100 Dale Carnegie offices worldwide are participating, ranging from Argentina to Vietnam, and several thousand young people are expected to benefit.